Rugs are great ways to add a splash of colour or even pull together an entire room. While there are plenty of places where consumers can purchase rugs, ours are beautiful, versatile and affordable. They are crafted in Turkey and carry our very own brand name.Beautiful Design Our rugs are created with beautiful design, and although they can be copied or mimicked by other rug companies, those companies could never duplicate the expert craftsmanship or dedication to quality.

As you can see, the designs here can make wonderful additions to any room of the home. They are available in a wide range of colours and sizes, and they are hand-carved and sheared for quality and beauty.The Grand Scroll and Grand Flower collections, shown above to the left and in the centre, are crafted from super-soft frieze yarn for the ultimate feel under the feet. They have a beautiful 3D appearance and are specially designed to be shed-free, anti-static and incredibly easy to clean. Some of the available colours include white, teal, purple and green on black or brown backgrounds.The rugs below are part of our Shaggy Rugs line and feature a pile height of 5cm to provide the ultimate softness and fluff. Like the Grand Scroll and Grand Flower collections, these rugs are also anti-static, anti-shed and incredibly easy to clean. dns information With the wide range of available colours, everyone will find something to complement their living rooms, bedrooms or even dining rooms with ease. They are available in single colours and in our Square Pattern.

Our classic rugs are depicted below. These feature traditional designs in an Oriental or Rose style and are available in several colours—green, brown, red and beige—to match any décor in the home. Our Rose Rugs provide a more modern feel, but they are also fantastic ways to bring together other elements or add a splash of colour in neutral rooms. Both of these classic rugs are made with polypropylene fibres and with withstand years of high traffic.

Starting with the Yarn While some rug companies simply purchase mass-produced rugs to sell to their customers, we at Simplay Rugs ensure that each rug is made from start to finish according to stringent standards, and this process begins with the yarn. The yarn making machine creates the pile that will later be pulled through a backing to create our rugs. register a domain Below are some photos that show the yarn making process in more detail.

First, the yarn is spun from fibres that we purchase from our distributors. Afterward, the yarn is dyed in a variety of colours that are used to create our rugs on a loom. As you can see, there are always hundreds of rolls of yarn in many different colours in stock.

These photos show further detail about our process of turning pre-purchased fibres into yarn that will be used in our rugs. The individual fibres are threaded through a machine that separates and ‘fluffs’ them to create the pile. This is what makes the rugs feel soft to the touch.

The first photo above shows the final stages of the yarn making process in which the yarn comes out of the machine ready for use. The last photo shows the stocks of yarn that the manufacturing facility maintains so they can craft rugs in specially selected styles and colours.Creating Rugs on a LoomThe actual rug creation process starts with the rolls of yarn that are created and dyed in the factory. The many different strands and colours are placed into a loom that is computer-operated. With some expert programming, the loom will create the hand-selected patterns that our customers order.

The yarn itself is kept on hundreds of spools and is fed into the loom thread-by-thread. Here are some close-up pictures of this process.

There are hundreds of strands of thread in the loom at any given point in time, and these threads are woven together in a way that creates the finished product. Each individual colour must be positioned in its proper place to create the designs. Below, the large scale of the operation becomes clear.

In the pictures below, the hundreds of individual threads begin to resemble the ‘sheet’ that will eventually make up the rugs. These massive machines work to push the pre-dyed pile through a sturdy backing according to a pattern. As you can see, the rug comes out of the loom in huge sheets which are later cut to size before they are carved, overlocked and shipped.

Hand-Carving Frieze Rugs Simply put, a frieze rug is one that is made from a cut pile made of twisted fibres. There are several steps in the frieze rug carving process, and each one lends to the beauty and craftsmanship that you can count on. Before the rug is sheared, the pile appears long and there is little to no definition in the pattern of the rug.

The shearing process allows the definition in the design to be brought to the forefront, and it also ensures that the rug is beautiful aesthetically and feels wonderful to the touch.

The carver shears the rug so that the pile is all the same length. Finally, by using an edging tool, the lines in the patterns are further defined.

While the hand carving process may seem difficult, the experts who perform it for our company have been doing it for many years. See the video below process in action. Watch how the small shears trim the pile in order to create a finished product that is absolutely beautiful and ready for the next step in the process.
After our rugs have been sheared and detailed, the next step in the process involves overlocking. This term is used to describe the process by which the edges of a rug are bound together. This preserves the rug and adds to its overall aesthetic value.

This picture shows a rug in the process of being trimmed, before it has been overlocked. As you can see, the edges of the rug are still shaggy, leaving it prone to ravelling.

The photo on the right shows the use of an overlocking machine, which is similar to a large sewing machine. It folds the edges of the rug over onto itself and binds it with strong thread. This way, the edges of the rug are more secure and will not ravel with normal use. This also allows the rug to lay flat against the floor along all of its edges.

After the overlocking has been completed, the edge of the rug is completely uniform and pleasing to the eye. This process ensures that the rug will last for years to come, even in high traffic areas.
Rolling and Packaging the Rugs After the rugs have been woven, sheared, carved and overlocked, the next step in the process is rolling and packaging. Rolling a rug is the best way to ship and store it because it prevents unsightly creasing and crushing of the pile.

The rug is placed onto a specially designed machine—depicted above—that allows it to be pulled taut. The employee simply guides the rug into the machine and allows the rollers to mechanically wrap the rug tightly.

After the rolling process has been completed, the rugs make their way down a conveyor. Here, they are wrapped in a thin plastic bag that protects them from moisture, dirt and dust as they are being shipped from the factory directly to you.

Many rug companies purchase their products from third party wholesalers and sell them to consumers at marked-up prices. Since our rugs are manufactured especially for Simplay Rugs, our customers can enjoy long-lasting, beautiful and quality rugs at affordable prices.